Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Through My Eyes

This is for a girl I know. She thinks she’s clumsy, awkward and lost. But I know better than that. I’ve known her my entire life, and sometimes I like to think that I know her better than she knows herself. She sometimes tells me that she doesn’t know what she would do without me, but honestly I’m not sure what I would do without her. She is oftentimes my inspiration; the person I turn to for guidance, advice, and reassurance that I am doing the right thing. And when I’m not, she’s there to tell me that too. When I help her, I’m only trying to return the favor.

I think the reason she inspires me so is because she has been through so much. Much, much more than I ever have. She experienced a broken family, and the heartbreak and confusion that brings. She’s let herself love and be loved, something I have yet to do. She’s experienced the loss of love and a broken heart. She knows all too well what it’s like to have a friend ripped from this world too soon. And she knows of the deepest loss I think any woman can ever experience.

But through all the pain and obstacles, she still manages to throw her head back in boisterous laughter. She finds a way to make those around her smile, to be crazy and young and in love. She knows the fragility of life, and how it can go wrong. But she also knows that hope exists, and she strives to make those around her happy. She takes care of her family and friends. She stands up for what she believes in. She doesn’t let anyone push her around. She’s passionate, loyal, and quite simply amazing. And she still finds time to enjoy the little things in life.

I know you’re reading this, because when it comes to my writing, you are my confidant. My vault. My locked journal of feedback and encouragement. You have no idea how much that means to me. And my hope is to remind you of these experiences to show you how far you’ve come. How amazingly strong you are. Just when you think you cannot take anymore, know that you’ve encountered so much adversity that absolutely nothing is capable of standing in your way.

I wrote this poem this past February, during a time I knew you were struggling because of a number of things in your life. I post it here now to show you just how truly amazing you are. Let the tears flow, and let all your frustrations and fears escape you one tear at a time; when you are done, you’ll be stronger for it.

Through My Eyes

Through my eyes you light up the world,
You can reach as high as the stars.
Through my eyes the sky’s no limit,
You’ve already walked through so many doors.
Through my eyes
You’re never weak.

I could not endure the broken you’ve felt.
I could not survive the empty bottles.
I could not handle all the houses
That never were really home.
No, I could not be you—

But through my eyes
I see someone you cannot:

Through my eyes I see a girl
Whom the world has torn apart.
But she wakes up each morning
And stands on her own two feet
Because of those around her.
Through my eyes you’ve carried burdens
Much too heavy for your shoulders;
Atlas himself could not carry what you’ve held
As you’ve danced your way through a certain kind of hell.

Through my eyes,
You grew up too fast.
Through my eyes,
You’ve put others first.
Through my eyes,
You can accomplish your dreams.
Through my eyes,
You deserve everything.

So I’d just like you to know
You’re a hero
Through my eyes.

I love you. I hope someday you can see you.

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